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   M I S S I O N

   C O N T A C T

I S S U E    N O .    58  [September 2015]

Anja Stukenbrock

Intercorporeal Phantasms: Kinesthetic Alignment with Imagined Bodies in Self-Defense Trainings

This paper illuminates a dimension of intercorporeality that has hitherto been neglected: imagination as a genuinely human capacity to displace ourselves from the actual phenomenal sphere, to communicate with and about absent phenomena and to embody and incorporate them in our involvement with the world and with others. Based on corpus of 12 hours of video recordings of self-defence trainings for girls, the paper examines the enactment and imagination of intercorporeality in jointly created scenarios of danger and assault.  

Theoretically, the paper integrates two different frameworks that both offer parts of the answer I am going to argue for, the concept of intercorporeality on the one hand, and deixis theory on the other hand. Whereas the concept of intercorporeality is concerned with the question of mutual incorporation as a prereflexive interactive phenomenon independent of or below the level of conscious representation, deixis constitutes the unavoidable link between language, my body and the body of the other, between representation and interaction. In taking deixis as a linguistic anchor, my paper strives to bring grammar to the analysis of intercorporeality. In revisiting deixis in the light of intercorporeality allows us to begin thinking about deixis as a grammatically sedimented way of integrating perspectivity and subjectivity as intersubjectively and intercorporeally created embodied phenomena.



Keywords: joint imagination, deixis, incorporeality, multimodal conversation analysis

 To cite this publication:
Stukenbrock, Anja: Intercorporeal Phantasms: Kinesthetic Alignment with Imagined Bodies in Self-Defense Trainings. InLiSt - Interaction and Linguistic Structures, No. 58, September 2015, URL: http://www.inlist.uni-bayreuth.de/issues/58/index.htm



InLiSt No.7

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Institute of German Linguistics, University of Jena
 (Institut für Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft der Uni Jena)


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© 1998-2009 University of Potsdam, Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen, Professor of English Linguistics.
2010 University of Bayreuth, Prof. Dr. Karin Birkner, Professor of German Linguistics.