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  I S S U E    N O .    46    [ J U L Y 2 0 1 0]

Karin Birkner/Sofie Henricson/Camilla Lindholm/Martin C. Pfeiffer
Retraction Patterns and Self-Repair in German and Swedish Prepositional Phrases  

The article presents the results of a German-Swedish comparative study on retraction within prepositional phrases. Retraction, i.e. when a speaker returns to an earlier point within an unfolding grammatical structure, is a common resource used by both German and Swedish speakers e.g. to substitute, delete, insert, or repeat parts of an utterance. However, this resource is not necessarily used in the same way in German and Swedish. Typological differences in the languages, such as word order and morphosyntactic characteristics, can affect the pattern of retraction (cf. Fox/Maschler/ Uhmann 2009). The paper addresses the question whether grammatical differences in German and Swedish affect the retraction patterns.  

 To cite this publication:

Karin Birkner/ Sofie Henricson/ Camilla Lindholm/ Martin C. Pfeiffer:
Retraction Patterns and Self-Repair in German and Swedish Prepositional Phrases, InLiSt - Interaction and Linguistic Structures, No. 46, July 2010, URL: <http://www.inlist.uni-bayreuth.de/issues/46/InList46.pdf>



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Homepage of Prof. Dr. Karin Birkner

Department of German Linguistics, University of Bayreuth

Homepage of Sofie Henricson

Homepage of Camilla Lindholm

Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies, University of Helsinki

Homepage of Martin C. Pfeiffer


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© 1998-2009 University of Potsdam, Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen, Professor of English Linguistics.
2010 University of Bayreuth, Prof. Dr. Karin Birkner, Professor of German Linguistics.